Oh, lots of happiness for me @ the moment!
1) I finally have a job!!! Okay, so it's part-
time and no where near the field I studied at
college, but I'm not w/out cash any more.
2) My puppy's (okay she's a 7yr old dog...) back
legs are paralyzed... Not happy... HOWEVER - The
Doggy Cart we ordered for her came in and she's
taken to VERY well. (One HAPPY owner!!!!) HEE
So in honor of my happy little Peke... Show ME.
1) Pets
2) Doctors
3) Animals (B/C then I can show off my early B-
Day present).
Since I don't know 0how to post two pics in one
thread... my cel will be in a response thread.
If you know how, could you please email me?!
Thanks. |