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You know it's been a WHILE since you've cleaned out your wallet when. . . (an "I'm bored" SHOW ME!) (Fri Sep 12 02:57:13 2003 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


. . .When you find that it now CLOSES, in great 
part due to the removal of *14* IPMO stubs and 
another *8* stubs from domestic money orders. O_o;

I'm trying not to think about the fact that that 
represents $52.70 in JUST money order fees, not 
even counting the stamps it took to send them all 
on their way. ;;;^_^;;;

(Before anyone thinks I'm TRULY crazy, these date 
back a waaaaaays. ^_^)

But cleaning my wallet is evidence I'm bored, so 
show me cels of either (A) things that need 
cleaning, or (B) LOTS of things in one place. ^_^

Mine will be Celestine. Not only does he have 
more of those gems than he wants around him, but 
he was also bought with one of the money orders 
whose stubs I'm tossing! ^_~

Many Sharp Smiles,

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