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Takamura store Update cels : thunder cats, Saint seiya, Naruto, Ghibli, Harlock, Ufo... (Tue Jul 4 17:11:05 2006
Aurelien [View profile
Dear All,
Here is the first summer of the summer :
Studio Ghibli's Works :
Laputa Castle in the sky (le chateau dans le ciel)
Leiji Matsumoto's Works :
Captain Harlock (Albator)
section : Cels before 1980 :
Tresaure Island (l'ile au tresor)
Remi without family (Remi sans famille)
UFO Grandizer (Goldorak)
Section : Cels from 1981 to 1985 :
Amazing Suratobi (l'academie des ninjas)
Fist of the north star (Ken le survivant)
Section : Cels de 1986 a 1990 :
Ranma 1/2
Bosco Adventure (les aventuriers du Bosco)
Saint Seiya (Chevaliers du Zoodiac)
Thunder cats (Cosmocats)
Section : Cels from 1991 to 1995 :
Nadia secret of blue water (Nadia et le secret de
l'eau bleu)
Slam Dunk
Section : Cels from 1996 to 2004 :
Samourai Shamploo
Yuyu Hakusho
Project Arms
Ebay :
Story boards : Basilisk
thanks for looking and have a nice summer
Message thread :
- Takamura store Update cels : thunder cats, Saint seiya, Naruto, Ghibli, Harlock, Ufo... - Aurelien (04 Jul 17h11)