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Anyone want to buy this CCS lot together? (Tue Sep 16 20:38:21 2003 )
vamppire [View profile ]

Hi everyone - was there anyone here who was 
interested in this Sakura cel?


Because I love the Yukito cel that is included, 
but obviously, the price is pretty steep just 
for that.  If anyone wants to work out a deal to 
buy the lot together, I can contribute $85 
(including shipping) towards buying that Yukito 
cel from you once you receive the lot after 
winning.  I have flawless feedback on ebay under 
vamppire*chan, so you know I'm not gonna stiff 
ya LOL.

I can't be the one doing the actual bidding and 
buying since I don't have 40k to lay out at 
once.  :)

So if anyone is interested in working something 
like this out, please email me at 
Vamppire@aol.com.  Thanks!

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