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My first show me request (Mon Sep 15 01:52:23 2003 )
nawlins7 nli [View profile ]

Today my mother dropped off 6 huge bags of 
clothes for me to wash *because my washing 
machine is a front loading kind* so that she 
could give them to her church's clothe a child 
drive. I have been up to my neck in laundry all 
day,and honestly never want to fold another load.
so in honor of good clean fun,  my show me is of 
cels of people who aren't wearing clothes :)

If your pic is naughty please list that in the 

I have lots of cels that I could post but I 
decided on Raphael from episode 15 of Tenshi ni 
Narumon, because Mikael is complaing about 
Raphael owning to much clothing a few seconds 
before this ;P

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