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Re: Feeling lousy... SHOW ME your inspiration to STAY IN THE HOBBY! :-) (Thu Sep 18 23:14:17 2003 )
Chaotic Serenity [View profile ]

I came *this* close to quitting after I lost out 
on my top ultimate wishlist cel due to some 
negligence on my part (cel was worth hundreds, 
possibly a $1000...sold for roughly $80 on YJ), 
but have no fear, I decided to stay in the 
hobby.  I just started cutting down on my 
collection and took a hiatus because of school 
is all.

However, with the possiblity of picking up a new 
job soon, I'll pick up again.

Here's one of my reasons for sticking it 
through - possibly one of only two cels of young 
Hikou (from Fushigi Yuugi) that I've seen:

-Chaotic Serenity, already scouting out new 
possible buys as she types

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