Three o'clock in the bloody morning, and I'm
finally crawling off to bed. What a way to spend
a Saturday, not to mention most evenings of the
previous week.
If you want to skip the following rant, feel free
-- the only real info in this message is that has been updated with about two
dozen new cels and sketches, the series of which
are listed on the front page.
If anyone is still reading, a word of advice:
for the love of god, never design a site where
you have to hard-code nav links on subpages! I
was a moron!! This has never been more
apparent than the current update, when I needed to
remove about 100 images of items I'd recently
sold. Since each cel/sketch has its own subpage,
plus a thumbnail link from the category page,
removing or adding anything in the middle of a
section means that the nav links on every subpage
around it have to change as well. More if it's
near the beginning of a section and one cel from
each subsequent page in the category has to slip
back to the previous page or bump forwards to the
next one... ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh!!
The practical result? To remove 100 items and add
about 25 new ones, I had to modify well over 300
Needless to say, I'm now planning the next
iteration of my site design, which will heavily
feature automated subpage generation.
By the way... Julie, Arwen, and Kinyan... if you
happen to be reading this... don't even wonder
tomorrow why my house is a total mess. I had
planned to clean it today, heh. Baka Cindy, baka
baka baka baka...
*collapses in sheer exhaustion, but not before
posting a quick preview of her update, which
handily expresses what she'd like to do to her
site... when she wakes up*