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Selling Most of my Collection (Mon Jun 19 23:10:16 2006 )
ljn [View profile ]

Sorry to have to use the old RS account up there, 
but I havn't had the means to make a real sale 

Anyway, you heard right, I'm selling pretty much 
my entire collection, the only iffy ones are the 
Vampire Princess Miyu cels.  I'll likely be 
keeping those, and may even trade for other nice 
Reiha cels.  But, aside from that, no other 

I remember what I paid for basically all of them 
and the prices I'll accept will reflect that.  
But for the time being, I am taking offers.  If 
this proves to be too much of a pain, I'll asign 
prices but would rather not. I'm pretty easy to 
deal with, though.  And I do haggle. :3  So just 
give it a go, you never know.

I really look forward to hearing from you guys.  
I can answer any questions you have and can offer 
new scans and give more detailed reports after 
the 27th.  At the moment, the cels and I are in 
different locations.  ((Hurray, travel))

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Message thread :
  • Selling Most of my Collection - ljn (19 Jun 23h10)

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