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"Identical" cels ...... (Sun Sep 21 13:16:48 2003 )
sensei [View profile ]

There are at least five virtually identical 
CCS "Crucifixion" cels out there, and I watched 2 
or 3 of them go for sale (can't be sure, since 
one might have been a resale of a cel sold by a 
dealer) before nabbing mine.

Watching the sequence that they come from is 
interesting, since the animators cut among these 
5 almost identical cels rapidly and continuously 
to create an eerie "quivering" sensation.

And, yes, I once got the A1 and A3 of a sequence 
of Syaoran that came up from different sellers on 
eBay within 2 weeks of each other.  The odd thing 
is that these 2 cels don't look anything 
like each other.

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