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Scandalous question about YHJ (Fri Sep 19 23:16:58 2003 )
Startyde [View profile ]

Hey guys, it's time for another of Startyde's 
crazy n00b question of the week.

This weeks topic: does YHJ have a special 
subsection of their cel pages devoted to adult 
The reason I ask, is because one of my favorite 
seller, www.anime-world-star.com has a bunch of 
cels listed, a few of which I cannot see because 
I do not have a YHJ account and thus, cannot 
prove my age. However, these adult cels are not 
listed amongst the normal cel search results. 
Thus the question begs, does YHJ have a special 
section for adult cels that can only be viewed 
with a YHJ account?
Thanks for any info, and peace always.


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  • Scandalous question about YHJ - Startyde (19 Sep 23h16)

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