Cardcaptors is an American language adaptation of
Card Captor Sakura, the original anime.
I use the word adaptation because they so heavily
edited the show for content (and not just
possibly 'objectional' relationships but also
some of the sweetest and most innocent scenes -
probably thinking they were too 'boring') that
Cardcaptors is a completely different show from
Card Captor Sakura. Some episodes are missing
entirely and others so changed they lose their
original impact and meaning.
The cel you are asking about shows Yukito (Julian
in the American version) reading an article about
martial artists being challenged (and beaten) by
what appears to be a little girl. The little
girl is actually the Fight Card. Yukito is
worried because his friend Touya (Tori in the
American version) is a brown belt (if memory
serves) in karate. |