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Re: Looking for Transformer Cels (Sun Sep 28 18:39:05 2003 )
Chaotic Serenity [View profile ]

You've got a lot of competition, sista. ;-)  I 
managed to pick up two myself, but they're still 
very hard (and very expensive) to find.  They 
pop up on ebay now and then, but 
www.vegalleries.com gets them about once or 
twice a year.

The main reason you won't find them, of course, 
is because so many were destroyed in the fire 
and the leftovers were wiped clean and reused.  
(Cel-based features are EXPENSIVE to make.)  
Also make sure to look in on Yahoo Japan now and 
then. I'm still sore after missing out on my 
ultimate Rodimus Prime wishlist movie cel on 
there, and in general, there are some niiiice 
ones that pop up on there.

Hope that helps,

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