Ack, I deleted my message 2x on accident
already. It seems to get shorter with every
repeat ^^;;;;
I updated with 3 beautiful slayers hanken: one
of filia, one of 2-eyes open xelloss, one of
super deformed filia and xelloss together. I'm
too tired to repeat all gushing from my previous
attempts to posts, as it is now past 1 am ^^;;;;
[mentally insert appropriate gushing here]
On another note, I recently missed an slayers
hanken cel with lina/lina/valgarv/jirasu/garabos
in it. I seriously regret this, and would just
like to say to whomever got the cel that if they
ever consider letting it go for any reason, to
think of me (pretty please with sugar on top). I
promise that it will be well compensated for it
Thanks again. |