Without finding the actual cap, I can't say for
sure... but I never saw any other Black
Magician's, either, apart from Pandora's.
Pandora's Black Magician has beady dot eyes,
marks around his eyes, and a mark on his chin.
His hair sticks out from his hood, and his armor
juts up. He has extra detail work on his chest,
and his topmost shoulder plates jut upwards.
Yugi's Black Magician has slightly more detailed
eyes, no face markings, and his armor is square
around the collar. His hair seems to stay inside
his hood. His shoulder plates point the same
From the scan, it looks like he has Pandora's
BM's eye markings, hair, and chest plate; but he
seems to have Yugi's BM's shoulder plates. So
it's hard to tell. I didn't see Pandora's BM in
that pose, but I was only watching on ff-mode. |