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Looks like it's time for another SHOW ME... (Thu Oct 2 21:06:22 2003 )
evilminion (nli at work) [View profile ]

Was looking in the mirror this morning, and what 
should I discover but... my first gray hair!  
O_o  I'm not even 40 yet, but apparently nobody 
told my head that.

Well, rather than get depressed about it, which 
would be pointless, I'm taking inspiration from 
the fact that in anime and Japanese videogames, 
the truly badass villains usually have gray or 
white hair!  Hah!  So I'm not getting OLDER, I'm 
getting TOUGHER!  ^_^

In honor of my first gleaming strand of 
villainous power, please show me your silver-
maned badasses!  Extra points for truly evil 
ones, although antiheroes are just as welcome.  
Even a good guy or two wouldn't be amiss, so 
long as they kick butt!

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