Well, I can give you my opinion on the first
1. I'm sure not all webmasters are like me, but
sometimes it takes a good amount of effort to
update a cel gallery when the website isn't on
rubberslug. So, I'd give someone at least couple
weeks to get rid of the cel off their site, but
on rubberslug it's a highlight and
click 'delete', and that's pretty painless! In
short, I think a year is a little excessive and
maybe you'd want to ask them to remove it. ^_^
2. I noticed that you can right click thumbnails
of cels but anything on the cel details pages
(full size images, descriptions, etc) is un-
right clickable.
To make someone unable to right click on
anything on a webpage requires a script of some
sort. I know it can be done with javascript
(i've done it in the past), and I don't think
you can do that with rubberslug... but I could
be wrong....
hope this helps a little!