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Would anyone like some B4 cases? (Thu Oct 9 10:42:44 2003 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


I'm doing some housecleaning and found 2 hard 
plastic B4 cases. I don't use them, so I'm 
offering up the pair for $5 plus shipping.

First case is just shy of Barbie Doll pink and 
has two latches. Second case is clear with a 
single yellow latch. Neither case has any cracks 
that I can see, although both have some scuffing.

I'll accept money orders or funded Paypal. (I'll 
accept credit card via Paypal only so long as the 
fees are covered.) I can be reached at the 
address above once you remove the obvious. ^_^

Many Sharp Smiles,

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Message thread :
  • Would anyone like some B4 cases? - Drac of the Sharp Smiles (09 Oct 10h42)
    • I would! - ryen @ ryen.net (09 Oct 20h44)

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