Figured I might as well combine two questions
into one post, even though they're not related.
1) On Mandarake's online site, what are the
little orange smilie faces that say "spot sale"?
I can't find anything about them in the ordering
instructions. . . Does it mean you get a discount
on the item in question? Or the item was marked
down already? I can ask them, but I figured
someone else might have asked before. ^_^
2) I'm more interested to know. . . Many layouts
have places for the animators to write the episode
and cut scene numebr. (For those unsure what I'm
talking about, refence the layout below.) Given a
genga set that has the matching layout with it, is
there any reason the layout might have the wrong
episode number on it? I saw one where the episode
number was crossed out and rewritten (I figured
it was written wrong or the studio moved the
scene afterwards). But is there a reason it might
not have been corrected? Assume said genga set
looks 100% as expected otherwise and even the cut
scene number looks correct, but just for a
different episode than is written at the top.
If anyone knows the answers, or even has a guess
about either of these, I'd love to hear it. ^_^
Many Sharp Smiles,
PS: And if anyone can ID this sketch, also let me
know!! ^_^