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Does anyone know what a hari is? (Sat Oct 11 17:56:37 2003 )
lynxa [View profile ]

Hey!  I want to buy a cel on YJ and this is what 
I come up with when I put the item description 
in babelfish:

"no < Background there is none/an animated 
picture and (Hari is attached and 
increases/being to be synthesis, there is no 
face, is)/angle with respect to the right a 
little to break,/A? 10 >"

What is a hari and is it bad that it's 
attached?  (I have the feeling that this is 
going to make me feel stupid ^_^)  This is just 
the first time I've run across this word and I 
get a LOT of weird hits when I plug it into a 
search engine.

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