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Re: eeeeeeeeee... withdrawal! (Sat Oct 18 18:27:50 2003 )
aion [View profile ]

I've had a fairly long dry spell too - I did buy 
2 amg cels from curt at NDK in september, but 
other than that it's pretty much been months for 
me...I'm actually relieved because I DON'T miss 
being constantly broke because I'm buying cels.  
I've actually been able to buy some anime and we 
bought a car for my hubby so I'm having to make 
the payemnts on that.  It seems I haven't seen 
any really good dealer updates in a long time, 
but then again as you may be able to tell by my 
infrequent posts, I don't spend much time on the 
internet ouside of work these days... :)  I miss 
you guys though!

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