Thats funny, I usually am only interested in the
true NC-17s. *cough cough* :D
The Gravitation doujinshi are very explicit and
are rated R there. I can't imagine anything else
being worth a higher rating, unless it was some
sort of extreme fetish, so NC-17 is probably a
lower rating (maybe they think R is 18+?)..
especially since the NC-17 samples do look
tamer, like you said. How is the sample page of
the one you want? The do seem to include
explicit samples whenever they can, so if your
sample isn't too "bad", then the rest of the
book is probably similar.
But thats just my observations from looking
there just now.. I've never bought from their
website before. :) If you ever get something
too raunchy, send it my way! ;) *laughs* |