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Go Go Ackman cel (Fri Oct 24 03:54:32 2003 )
cmagus [View profile ]

Well I have a cel from Go Go Ackman up on ebay 
and by the looks of it ,it wont sell on there 
for the price i would like to get for it so im 
gonna take offers on it I wont go lower than 
$120.00  which is lower than what i paid for it 
but i really would like to sell it.The cel comes 
with a matching background and is still sealed 
in its original Toei Bag never been opened i 
think it is 3 layers but i cant be fully sure 
due to the fact the bag is sealed so i will take 
offers on it for a bit say 2 days probably if 
anyone would like to make one please feel free 
to do so I will ship world wide and shipping 
rates can vary on where you live so please feel 
free to ask any questions cmagus11@hotmail.com 
or make offers I will also trade for Yat Anshin 
cels so if you have any to offer let me know 
please note scanned in bag so ignore the glare 
on the cel

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Message thread :
  • Go Go Ackman cel - cmagus (24 Oct 03h54)

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