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I figured the answer was "you can't". . . but does anyone know. . . (Fri Oct 31 07:18:23 2003 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


Next question, if people will tolerate it. ^_^; 
If you're verified, I assume that removing the 
bank account makes you "unverified" again? (Has 
anyone done this?) Can you be verified with a 
*savings* account or only a checking account? (Now
that I have verified myself, I can no longer see 
the rules for verification.)

Sorry to plague everyone with these questions, but
I want to be verified and am trying to set things 
up with as little risk as possible. I don't like 
it trying to use the bank account every time 
unless I remember to catch it. ~_~

Probably I'm going to see about setting up an 
empty, or near empty, savings account to hook up 
to them that isn't connected to anything else. 9_9

Many Sharp Smiles,

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