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HOTOHORI cel for sale (different from previous post) (Thu Oct 30 01:50:58 2003 )
spinizuey nli [View profile ]

Yep.. hotohori cel for sale. Price is $200 
w/shipping included. PAYPAL preferred, will also 
accept money orders. 

It has no line fading or paint chips. It is 
autographed by Watase in kanji. It comes with 
full matching sketch, and I will include a non-
matching background that looks excellent with it.

Here is the cel w/background:

Here is the cel w/out the background:

Thanks so much. I hope to find a happy home for 
him :)

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Message thread :
  • HOTOHORI cel for sale (different from previous post) - spinizuey nli (30 Oct 01h50)

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