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Question about Anime Chaos bidding fees . . . (Sun Nov 9 22:18:31 2003 )
JC [View profile ]

OK, here is the situation:

I bid on this one auction and here is how the
prices went:

Final Auction price:  40,500 yen
My Maxi Bid (AC Bidder 1):  45,000 yen
Runner up bidder (japan-boy1):  40,000
AC Bidder 2:  28,000 yen

Now, here is my question . . . since AC bidder 2
lost to Runner up bidder (japan-boy1) and then I
placed a bid to beat japan-boy1, am I still being
charged for the fees of AC Bidder 2's bid as if it
WAS actually an internal bidder was?  It "looks"
that way on the program, but I am not sure since I
havne't used Anime Chaos bidding service very much.
Also, all of their "examples" of bidding was on
the website show that the ending auction price was
BELOW the maxi bid of AC Bidder 1 and AC Bidder 2. 
Ending Auction Price:  10,000 yen
AC Bidder 2:  12,000 yen
AC Bidder 1:  14,000 yen

I tried e-mailing AC about this, but I probably
won't get a response before another auction I am
planning on bidding on ends.

So, if anyone knows, please tell.  Thanks!

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