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:) :) :) (Tue Nov 18 09:16:53 2003 )
evilminion [View profile ]

I think the day either of my boys turned down a
cat treat would be the day I'd have to start
searching the basement for alien body-snatcher
pods.  And Clive says he's been saving up extra
phlegm for our next anime get-together.  ;)

I am heading downstairs now to curl up on the
couch with my beasties, and try to get some sleep.
 We'll be up at 6AM to be sure we get them to the
vet's office by the very early deadline they gave
us.  I absolutely promise that as soon as I have
any news on the operation, I'll let everyone know.
 For now, thank you all SO VERY MUCH for the
emotional support -- I swear, you've made this
easier to cope with just by understanding.

A round of snuffly hugs for everyone, and we'll
see if I can keep myself together tomorrow.  Thank
you all again.

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