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OT: E-mail virus from "Paypal" (Thu Nov 20 19:39:14 2003 )
sensei [View profile ]

Most of us have some kind of e-mail virus 
protection, but as this one seems to be new 
(first detected yesterday) and fairly 
sophisticated, I thought it would be a good idea 
to alert users of this board.

The message claims to be from PayPal (although if 
you click "Show all headers" you'll see it's not) 
and reads in part:

We regret to inform you that your account is 
about to be expired in next five business days. 
To avoid suspension of your account you have to 
reactivate it by providing us with your personal 

To update your personal profile and continue 
using PayPal services you have to run the 
attached application to this email. Just run it 
and follow the instructions.

IMPORTANT! If you ignore this alert, your account 
will be suspended in next five business days and 
you will not be able to use PayPal anymore.

The attachment is a worm that infects your 
computer while a series of authentic-looking 
PayPal screens display asking for your credit 
card number, PIN, and other confidential 
information.  Symantec has named this virus 
W32.Mimail.J@mm and provides technical 
information on its nature (and how to remove it 
if you're infected) at this site:


Remember, as some of us have been saying for some 
time, it's a good idea always to suspect any 
message claiming to come from eBay, Yahoo, or 
PayPal that asks for passwords, credit card 
numbers, PINs, SS#'s and etc.  

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Message thread :
  • OT: E-mail virus from "Paypal" - sensei (20 Nov 19h39)

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