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I beat you on that one! (Tue Dec 2 21:20:07 2003 )
fancels-org nli [View profile ]

Nothing compared to the dumbass who emailed me: a 
non-reserve auction with BiN produced this 
question-for-seller: "Hello, could you please 
tell me the price for this item? And could we 
settle it at the train station please?"
OH Great is the deserving of DIVINE PUNISHMENT! 

The most retarded thing I ever did myself was to 
take my new rat to the vet, crying, "She's got 
cancer at her ass, in her youth ;__;" and she 
turned out to be a he who just grew his balls and 
preggered the 2 other real females... That was, 
like, 6 years ago. A 13year old is allowed to be 
stupid, but most eBay users are older, right?

Hail IQ-Equipped Ones!

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