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Re: It's from the second movie... *Spoiler info* (Tue Dec 2 02:30:44 2003 )
Kitt - nli [View profile ]

It's been a bit since I last watched The Sealed 
Card, but I think the first cel is Sakura holding 
the newly captured/converted Hope (previously 
Nothingness) Card.  I think the second cel is 
from when Sakura is agonizing over the fact that 
to capture the card (and stop the destruction the 
card is causing) she might have to sacrifice Li's 
love for her forever.

Cels of Sakura (or Li) from this important scene 
in the movie tend to get pricey ($300 on up for 
nice, centered face shots, if memory serves) and 
this is the first time I've seen any with the 
backgrounds.  That could explain the ... 
hmm... 'avid' bidding!  ^_~

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