IMO -none- of the cels you have with the white
borders are worth anywhere near the value of a
downpayment for a car. I know you were joking but
seriously, I know some of us would consider offers
even if they were not that ridiculously high. ^_^
As a suggestion at least during the period you are
taking offers, -remove- the ones with the white
borders from your site. Doing so will save you
time and grief in repeating disappointing news to
others who are only interested in those items. Hey
can you blame these people, they like quality, why
would anyone want a B or C grade cel when they can
purchase a considerably better one from the same
desired series? And try to consider the doing the
same in the future when you post other offer
sessions too.
Lastly, IMO we can all deprive ourselves and
"live" without cels or other luxury items.
However, doing so may make certain aspects of
living life less interesting/fun. Cels can help
spice up life, if you enjoy them that it is; but,
they are hardly a requisite for living ones life
to the fullest.
Peace. |