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And you could be a little less jumpy about things... (Tue Dec 2 21:45:42 2003 )
fancels-org nli [View profile ]

...really, I simply uttered an opinion. Plus, 
aint got nothing against Stephen or Museum, I 
just don't see why replace the fully functional 
Taro by the rather messy Museum. I respect it, 
but I won't say "Perfect, divine!" when there're 
flaws that keep me from using it.
Some criticism on the materia shouldn't be seen 
as an offense to the person behind it.
Plus, I don't think that it's to do with 
gratitude to walk into a shop, buy its things and 
make them richer by a few Euros (which is how 
shops function). I always say "Thanks" which 
usually suffices for the gratitude part unless I 
get some extra service.

I may question things. No reason for a moral 

Tired of silkscreening, Xupiter & needless 

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