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Sailor Moon Cel Lot for Sale (Tue Dec 9 18:48:50 2003 )
Katrina Kadabra [View profile ]

Lot of 3 Sailor Moon cels, plus two bonus cels 
now up for auction. Click on the URL to view. 

Includes Hotaru, Kaorinite, and a rare character 
Urawa (aka Greg, Ami's romance from the first 
season.) Larger scans availible on the auction 

I know people aren't fond of E-bay, but the buy 
price on this auction is only $5 above the 
starting price. So if you don't want to deal with 
people outbidding you, you don't have to. (Plus, 
I'm including a copy of the SuperS bonus episodes 
if the cel lot is bought at the buy price.) 

If you're looking to trade, I have to say I'm 
much more interested in selling. The only thing 
I'm really looking for now is a nice cel of 
Setsuna or Shinozaki (and I don't think I'm going 
to find him.) Plus, I'd rather not split the lot 
up if I can help it. 

If you want to e-mail me, use the form on E-bay.



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  • Sailor Moon Cel Lot for Sale - Katrina Kadabra (09 Dec 18h48)

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