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Over 15 FY cels for sale - TV & OAV (Sun Dec 7 19:08:45 2003 )
Ryouko [View profile ]

I found out a few weeks ago that I will be 
losing my job at the beginning of January, so 
all of a sudden I have to come up with the funds 
to pay off the rest of my debts. Jobs are hard 
to find for those who haven't finished college 
yet. >.>;;; So I have spent quite a bit of time 
in sorting through my cels, and I have chosen 
about a 3rd of them to put up for sale.


Please take a look, and send me an e-mail if you 
wish to order anything. I would rather avoid 
ebay if I could. Please give them good homes!

I accept paypal, money orders, and checks. 
Shipping is $5, and insurance is optional but 
costs extra. 

I may also consider offers on the cels left in 
my gallery (including misc and anc as well). 
Thanks everyone, and have a Happy Holidays.


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