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YAY!! *** MAJOR GALLERY UPDATE *** Triple wishlist! and a **SHOW ME ** (Fri Dec 12 16:50:25 2003 )
Star Phoenix [View profile ]

My MAJOR wishlist cels/sketches have FINALLY
arrived and I am thrilled, although I still have
not been able to see some of them since it was
sent to my parents' house and I won't be back for
the holidays for another 4 days.

Nice update in the Rahxephon gallery with a
beautiful Mishima sketch (thank you, thank you,
Evil Lady!  *big hugs*).
This is the sketch my mom gawked at and said over
the phone, "Hey, this is very pretty!"  (coming
from her, it MUST be very stunning in person).

This is another HUGE wishlist cel.  A beautiful,
perfect shot of Kurama from YYH holding a rose!!


Now, this painting is a beautiful sketch from
Wolf's Rain made by the main director.  I had my
eyes on that one since it was posted on AM and
bought this awesome piece at the 50% off SALE (the
only chance I had to be able to afford it).

Now, **SHOW ME**  your treasures that you got
during a SALE.  :-)

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Message thread :
  • YAY!! *** MAJOR GALLERY UPDATE *** Triple wishlist! and a **SHOW ME ** - Star Phoenix (12 Dec 16h50)

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