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Lots of Cels for Sale: Dbz, Genocyber, 3X3, Street Fighter Alpha (Thu Dec 11 03:15:52 2003 )
Hikage [View profile ]


Hey, whats up, I haven't been on This forum in a 
LONG time, reason being... I'm in college and 
all kinda of broke!!!!!... on that note, Just 
Give me an E-mail if your interested in Buying 
Any cels and I'll send you PICS ....... Um, The 
Street Fighter Alpha Cels are: Ryu Vs ( big 
guy... robot, forget his name ) and one of " 
Evil Ryu" ..... the 3X3 Eyes cel is from the 
original ova during the fight scene with the 
lizard demon, there are MANY Genocyber cels of 
virtually any character ( not too many of 
Genocyber ironically) And Dbz.... just Ask... I 
have a LARGE MASS of Majin Buu cels, though I'm 
reluctant to give those up unless the price is 
right. Anyway just give me an E-mail.. all 
prices are negotiable ( but I'm looking to make 
money and fast if possible... so PLEASE GUYS.. 
COME ON.. you KNOW YOU WANT ALL the Celly 

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Message thread :
  • Lots of Cels for Sale: Dbz, Genocyber, 3X3, Street Fighter Alpha - Hikage (11 Dec 03h15)

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