Okay...here's the deal:
Im pretty much done with cels, my galleries will
all be coming down in the very near future..like
as soon as I can learn Dreamweaver and Flash so
I can upload my new site. Im very satisfied
with my collection, and it's been a fine run if
I do say so myself. Being that Im done, Im
mulling over parting with a couple of things,
though Im not entirely sure yet. So, Im putting
up a couple-few things for offers. Ahh there it
is..the groans, I can hear them now.. Offers,
spit, blah, foofle! I know, they suck, but it's
all I can do guys. These cels are really nice,
and I love them very much. But...I also feel
that since Im heading out of the hobby, it'd be
nice for someone else who's still in for the run
to have a shot at them. Here's the two I MIGHT
part with.
Niiiice shot of Touya. I know ANC's market is
in the pot, but I still love this cel..so Im not
going to let it go on Ebay for 20$ :\ Someone
may want him though...right? Heheh,
sure..riiiiigght..keep tellin yerself that girl
Nice OVA Nuriko cel. VERY RARE...not sure what
state of mind Im in to even -think- of offering
him up..but here he is.. >_<
Now..as most of you know, I LOOOVEE Nuriko. I
only have this up for potential offers, because,
well, Im nuts, to put it simply. I almost put
up a couple more nice Nurikos (ep 33
anyone? :P) ...but Im not sure if Im that
cornholed just yet. DAM it's hard to part with
great stuff /:-| Anyways, I doubt I'll get any
responses, but please email if you are
interested in either of these. My long wind is
thus over. Happy Holydaze!