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First update in over a year (all Utena) (Mon Dec 15 06:20:34 2003 )
saxxydiva [View profile ]

Hi guys!

Normally I wouldn't bother to post updates here, 
but since I had disappeared off the face of the 
cel-collecting world since around springtime of 
2002, I figured I may as well give a shout out.  
Over the past few weeks I have added five new 
Utena cels (not a huge update, but big for me!), 
so if you're into that sort of thing and haven't 
already run across it, feel free to drop by!

I also added some screencaps to the Utena cel 
section, and should be adding a few more in the 
coming weeks (both Utena and Sailormoon).  As 
always, I squee over feedback, so if you have 
comments/hellos/flames/whatever, remove the 
DIESPAMDIE from the e-mail addy and have at it.  
Hope everyone's having a good weekend!


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