Have you ever had a brain-fart? Just done something totally
stupid for no reason? The classic looking for your glasses
while they happily rest on your brow. You know what I
mean. Well tonight I had the mother of all brain farts. Royal
and majestic, it sits atop a hill, scoffing at all other brain-
farts. It was epic and it was unstoppable.
Okay, I stop at a stoplight (on Boulevard Ave. Richmond,
VA.), look to my right and ask my friend Doug, "Hey, is that
an undercover policeman?" He says, "Yeah, I think so." I say,
"Oh." While I inspect the radar and antenna and whatnot of
the car. Then I turn back to the road and start driving
again... then I see blue lights in the rear view and am like
"That IS an undercover policeman... wait... are they pulling
ME over?? What did I do?!" So I pull over and she says,
"...You just ran a red light..." and I’m like, "WHAT?!
When?!?!?!?!"... Well, apparently I stopped, looked at the
car... and TOTALLY forgot all about the light I was waiting
at. There was no traffic and I guess my brain thought I was
at a stop sign (the light was at the very top of my
windshield I think) and I slowly accelerate and run the red
light right in front of her. It happened to me and I still can’t
believe it happened...
When I told her she was laughing at me… I was laughing at
me… my dad was not laughing and now I am realizing I
have to pay a huge amount of insurance (18 year old male
rolling right through a stoplight). This is why you are
reading this. If you cracked a smile or were cheered up by
my absurd but true story of woe, think about donating
something to the fund to help me pay for my insurance. Just
a dollar… just less… anything will help. Heh, who knows, if,
I get enough response I’ll give the extra to charity. Thanks.
Every little bit could help a lot. If you have a Paypal account,
I just signed up so you can go through that. My email is
mizzar@comcast.net. Night everyone, wish me luck… or
make fun of me… I am quite aware it was the dumbest
thing ever. Simply unsurpassed.
Trying this is pretty dumb too, but I figure it can’t really
So long,
Kyle Jones
ps. And of course I am selling my cels on my site. Make an
offer lower than the posted prices and I will almost certainly
say yes. |