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OMG! Me did a BIG boo-boo! *whimpers* (Sun Dec 21 02:51:33 2003 )
Star Phoenix [View profile ]

I decided to take out one of my cels fromt he
frames so I can use the frame for a much nicer,
more expensive one and . . . OOPS . . . I RIPPED
the damn thing!  The "professional" framer who did
the cel completely taped the top section (where
the registration holes are) and when I tried to
remove the cel, I tore a bit of it!!  Thank God I
only paid $15.00 for the cel, but I am still crying!!!

THEN, when I tried to frame my more expensive cel,
I got GLUE on the darn thing (fortunately, I
managed to completely clean it off, but still sent
a chill down my already chilled back because it is
one of the most expensive cels I have).  Then,
FINALLY, I fixed the cel with the nice background
I made for it, only to walk by the frame (leaning
atanst the book shelf), and kicked it across the room!

Okay, after my horrible first experience with cel
framing, I learned that IT WAS FUN and there ain't
NO WAY IN HELL I will ever remove another cel from
a frame again!

Now, the question, what can I use to men a torn
cel?  It was only torn on top and it doesn't
affect the picture itself, but I would still like
to fix it.  Any suggestions/advice that is dummy
proof will be very much appreciated. 

Star Phoenix 

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