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Re: Re: For more background on this post, check this (Mon Dec 22 13:10:17 2003 )
sovereign [View profile ]


I did have a *wonderful* transaction with you, so 
please don't feel guilty about anything. Perhaps 
this all started by accident, or perhaps Frank 
had pointed out my cel to you, but for your 
information there is a history behind this 
particular cel. A while back, I was selling it on 
my sale page and Frank had agreed to buy it 
through a third party...three times. I was pretty 
happy about the prospect of this sale, until he 
blatantly backed out after saying that it's not 
worth the money. And insulting me by saying 
behind my back things like I should be selling my 
prized Kakyuu cels if I really need the money. I 
made an agreement with him never to talk about 
each other again, to pretend we are strangers. 
But after this, he began backstabbing me to other 
collectors which he did not know where in close 
touch with me, and I was starting to get really 
irritated. As innocent as he tries to play, Frank 
knew that posting this *particular* cel and 
sticking it to me would bother me. Check the post 
on Chaos forum where he throws it in as a low 
jab. It gets to a point where it's impossible to 
ignore it and continue on your merry way.

Sorry you got involved Tanya. ^_^


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