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Updated 200 cels to the for sale page or I'm back (Wed Dec 24 19:30:14 2003 )
marcus [View profile ]

I apologize to everyone who has been trying to 
get a hold of me for the last 8 months. I was 
forced to close the for sale site for the past 8 
months due to other demands on my time. I 
did try and keep all the e-mail, though I lost 
about 3 months due to a crash. If you have not 
heard back from me and you had inquired 
about something, please get back to me and I 
will try and answer it as quickly as possible.

Anyways, I am re-opening the for sale pages 
and have added about 200 new cels from 
about 50 different series to the pages.
The for sale pages can be found here: 

Catch you later,
Marcus Padow

 P.S.  I am very tentatively considering opening 
the main web site up for offers. If you want to 
try making an offer, I will be imposing three 

    1. You get one shot (I don't haggle, I don't 
have the time).    Impress me.
   2. Don't ask about cels marked TOO or Don't 
Ask unless the offer is ludicrously high.
   3. I will probably take some time to make up 
my mind on whether to accept it. Please bear 
with me, but if you have not heard back in a 
week, re-e-mail me if you are still interested.

 On myself, I will still be following the cut down 
rule. If I am willing to sell the cel and I think 
you offer is too high, I will reduce it to what I 
consider a fair price. This happens more often 
than not when I actually accept an offer (which 
is pretty rair). So your probably asking, why 
don't you put a price on the cel then if you 
already have a price in mind. The answer is 
two fold, there are over 1600 cels on the main 
pages and I am not going to even try and price 
them all. Secondly, these are not cels I am 
planning to sell and to some extent your offer 
lets me gauge how much you want it versus 
how much I value it.

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Message thread :
  • Updated 200 cels to the for sale page or I'm back - marcus (24 Dec 19h30)

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