Others can explain this better than I, but here
are my two cents and a few caveats. First, you
must understand how to read and write Japanese
proficiently. Second, if you can, then proceed to
get your own YJP account activated. Third, you
need to system setup for accepting wire transfers
which is a common form of payment in JP. Bear in
mind, there are numerous potential problems when
you attempt to sell on YJP and some involve the
registration process, which will try to match your
address to the country you are supposedly located
at. If it does not match, then you will encounter
some problems at this phase of registering for a
YJP account. I am not mentioning any deputy
services simply b/c none of them have made a
effort to help people sell on YJP. So far all it
is helping people bid (which is good, but does not
help anyone who wants to sell). The general
consensus among the larger ds is they do not want
to help people sell, period… so do not waste your
time & energy asking. Your best bet is to find
someone you can trust to work with in JP and see
how things go from there. Too general? Well,
unless you understand Japanese well, you won’t
have a prayer communicating via email to your
potential buyers. Translation software only works
so well and a lot can be misinterpreted if you
don’t understand the subtle differences between
English and Japanese. Good luck and let us know
how things go. Btw… I too think it is worthwhile
selling to collectors in JP seems (at least for
the series I collect) like they pay more and are a
hell of a lot more serious about it than people on
evilbay. Just my thoughts, agree or not, I truly
do not care. |