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Re: End of a crazy CCS week on YJ (Mon Dec 22 20:18:36 2003 )
rallihir -(nli) [View profile ]


Truly remarkable.  As I mentioned earlier.  This 
influx of bidders with unlimited funds is 
bringing many high end cels to the market.  I 
myself have been collecting CCS for about 2 years 
and many of the prices on current cels are 100% 
higher than they were in 2002.  One example is 
the recently completed auction for the OP3 Sakura 
cel.  This cel sequence had a cel that went 
unsold about 10 months ago because the seller had 
a reserve of 100,000 yen on the auction.  There 
were bids right up to 96,000 yen but none cracked 
the reserve.  Now the sequence mate went for 
203,000.  One concern in this whole process is 
shill bidding.  Because most of the bidders are 
Japanese collectors, it is difficult to tell (not 
given any of their history) if this is 
occurring.  At least, I recognize most of the 
high bidders as userids that I have encountered 
during most of the time I have been collecting, 
so I think most are legitimate collectors.  But 
still it gives one pause sometimes....


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