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FA cels - ANC, NW, GG, CH, CC, mysteries, etc. (Sat Dec 27 21:48:53 2003 )
eridanus [View profile ]

Of course I took advantage of ebay's free listing 
day (yay! First time I was ready and moderately 
coordinated with their specials!) to list a 
number of cels - some are relists from ANC and 
GG, but there's also first-timers including2 a 
nice Shido, a City Hunter, a Cybercity,a Sano 
sketch from RK, Big O, Omi from WK, etc., plus 
some amusing mysteries (including a nice lady in 
kimono, as I remember someone here likes to 
collect on that theme)and backgrounds.

And just in case y'all shoppers are overwhelmed 
by the sudden avalanche of cel listings that went 
up yesterday, just remember I'm pretty easygoing 
on payment turnaround, if necessary.  None of 
that "I must receive payment and a blood sample 
in 48 hours or the minions of negative feedback 
will be unleashed (no relationship to minions of 
evil is implied or intended. Although, if one 
wanted a professional and thorough job....) and 
choral groups of underpaid but thrill-seeking 
children will line up outside your house and sing 
the Deadbeat Bidder Aria #15."

Anyway, here's the URL, in case anyone's 

BTW, there is no truth to the rumors that 
Deadbeat Aria #14 was written by the Rolling 
Stones, that #13 had a video starring Christopher 
Walken, or that #12 was usurped for use in a US 
Army training film, "When In Foreign Lands, Never 
Eat Anything That Stares Back At You."

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Message thread :
  • FA cels - ANC, NW, GG, CH, CC, mysteries, etc. - eridanus (27 Dec 21h48)

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