It's up. No data loss. Plenty of backups.
Takes a licking and keeps on.... taking lickings.
Lost a hard drive. (For you technical folks, we
lost a piece of a RAID array.) Microsoft service
pack patch ate the rest of my lunch. Had to more
or less reinstall all the server software.
The site was about half-working for a few hours
while I was trying to fix the non-working half.
It should be working 100% now, but I don't know
how stable it is since I'm not really convinced
in my shady voodoo method of repairing the
corrupted server software.
Server might flake out again in the next few
weeks while we scramble through couch cushions in
every public library in the state for the funds
to buy a new server. If it gives you trouble,
feel free to e-mail me directly. (Take out that
blatant lie from my e-mail first, of course.)
My new motto: "It could be worse."
Man, I sure would like to spend money on cels
again. *sigh*
jn |