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Gallery reopened with a big update (Sat Jan 3 08:53:31 2004 )
kellyk [View profile ]

Hihi everyone,

Finally got off my butt, got my gallery back online, and added 28 new cels.
At least one new cel in every section, denoted by a border around the thumbnails.
And keep an eye out for a lil' sale page in the coming months, as I have found something 
expensive I need and really, really, really want.  So, I might have to make a few cel sacrifices. -_-

One note:
Thumbnails show the whole cel white space and all, (basically everything that will fit on my 
scanner) while the larger images on the individual pages are cropped a bit to fit nicely in the 
frame.  When I do set up a sale page, scans will be unadulterated.

Thanks for lookin' and Happy New Year!

Kelly  ^_^

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