Hi there ^_^
Just wanted to let you guys that the Baka Neko
Banana Blitz Fanart contest is now offically
over and I will no longer be accepting entries.
Thank you all who participated! The winners will
be announced on my next big site update. (which
should be within this week.)
Also, one of my orders has fallen through and
the buyer is not able to purchase the cels that
they ordered. They are now up for sale in my cel
in stock section.
I will be pretty much away from my email this
weekend because I need to catch up on
orders/scan them/and work on the updates for the
site. So if you place an order, and don;t
recieve an immediate response, I
apologize. ......However the cel(s) will go to
the person who places the order first.
Thank you again everyone and have a good
weekend. ^^
Lia |