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Emergency Sale/Offers (Wed Mar 5 11:51:47 2008 )
Maiko [View profile ]

***I originally made this post at Beta and 
completely forgot to post it here, as well.  So 
I apologize, but those viewing this message here 
have had less time to browse the gallery and 
make possible offers.***

I hate to do this, particularly since I am in 
the middle of UPDATING my gallery, but something 
very serious has come up and some stuff 
_has_got_to_go. I currently have more items 
unlocked this time than usual. Items that are 
absolute "no s" are already locked up from view, 
but the following sections are so numerous to 
pick and choose from that they are all "no s" as 
well, but are still in public view: 

Mermaid Saga 
Inu Yasha Ep 140 
Eat-Man Original Backgrounds 

Otherwise, everything in view is up for offers. 
Now, last time, I tried to keep it honest and 
fair and allowed people to counter-offer if a 
lot of interest was shown in a particular item. 
Unfortunately, I just don't have the time this 
round to do that, so make sure whatever offer 
you give me, is the highest you want to pay. 
Because the highest offer I receive for an item 
wins it- I just can't toggle back and forth 
letting people counter-offer again. 

Other than that, here are the rules: 

Offers WILL be accepted until Thursday, March 6, 
at Noon. I may or may not terminate the offers 
period before then, depending on what and how 
much I sell. This is completely at my 
discretion, so please get your offers in early, 
otherwise, you might miss out. 

Payment is only by paypal ( sorry, but given the 
fact I have to get money together and prepare to 
make an emergency trip out of the country, I 
can't wait around for money orders or cashier's 
checks ). That said, payments must be receieved 
by Monday, March 10th, otherwise, you forfeit 
the transaction. 

Given the timing, I cannot accept payment plans, 
unless you throw a ridiculous amount like, $2000 
or more worth of offers at me. Otherwise, if 
your offer is accepted, be prepared to pay the 
full amount by the due date. 

Also, please keep in mind that some items may or 
may not come with the backgrounds they are 
scanned with. If you have a question about it, 
please, ask first, and don't just assume that 
the item comes with the background it's scanned 

PLEASE email all offers. Only PM if for whatever 
reason, the email bounces back at you. Emailing 
allows me easier access to your offers while I 
am at work. 

The email addy is: 
com ( remove the obvious ) 

Thank you all. If I left anything else or need 
to amend something I said, I will update this 

***Also, just because this is titled "emergency 
sale", please do not take it that I will 
guaranteed accept your offer, especially if it's 
less than what I paid for the particular item. 
So please do not be offended if regardless, your 
offer gets turned down. 


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Message thread :
  • Emergency Sale/Offers - Maiko (05 Mar 11h51)

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