First, define "really bad". ^_~
Things like damage to the cel, line fading, or it
being stuck (to a background or a sketch). . .
Those are all things that will definitely either
reduce how much I'm willing to pay for a given
cel, or reduce my interest level in it. But these
are also things that greatly vary in severity
from cel to cel.
Line fading, for example. I've seen cels for sale
that have absolutely no trace lines. . . There's
truly NOTHING left. Given that, I doubt I'd be at
all interested. But I never say never. If it were
a HIGH wishlist cel, with a rock bottom price,
AND restoration was possible, I might. . . *might*
consider it.
But does the "average" cel have to have rock-
solid, perfectly dark black lines before I'll buy
it? No. It's fantastic if the lines of a cel I
want are perfect! But usually there's some fading
and the decision to buy becomes a shade of grey.
(Or perhaps "brown". ^_^) What might the going
rate be if the cel were perfect? Does the price
tag reflect it's current condition? Even if the
second answer is "no", is there something special
about the cel enough to make me willing to
forgive it's faults, or do I feel it better to
wait for the "next one" to come along? (Another
from the sequence or of the same character, etc.)
Damage is the same. Whatever the situation, it's
a game of assessing if the damage bothers you
enough to interfere with your enjoyment of the
cel. If the answer is "yes" -- no matter how
slight the damage! -- then the cel you're looking
at isn't the cel for you. Each collector has
different tolerance levels, and sometimes a given
collector's tolerace for damage is different from
show to show, or even from character to character
within a single show.
I actually just bought a damaged cel, which by my
usual standards would have never seen my cel
book. It was trimmed, which is possibly the type
of damage I hate THE MOST, and was trimmed very
unevenly at that. BUT!! It's from a very old show
that is one of the first anime I ever saw and one
of my favorites. Any cels at all from said show
are extremely rare because most were destroyed by
the studio. The cherry on the cake was that it
was from an immediately recognizable scene -- an
A1end pan of the main character. Even knowing it
was cursed with the worst of the worst by my
damage assessment meter, *IF* I wanted it was
never even a question. . . The only question was
what I had to do to make it mine. *^_^*
Many Sharp Smiles,