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Re: Re: Curse you people with money! (Mon Feb 9 17:55:30 2004 )
nesuferit nli [View profile ]

Wow, that's really amazing considering what a
wonderful collection you have.  You seem to be
very lucky when finding great NW cels though. *s*

I think I've gone over that once for a NW cel. 
There are quite a few that I would fight for no
matter what, but they are specific scenes that
don't seem to ever become available. ..perhaps
that's for the best at the time being ^^;

I'm not sure who will win either.  I sent my max
offer in and am waiting to hear back, I have a
sinking feeling that that I will not come close
though.  But I will say this, it's the most I have
ever offered on a cel and if it goes higher I wont
be as disappointed in losing because it's already
at an insane amount!

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